It transforms the business, it transforms the entrepreneur

Business transformation

ACTEC believes that a paradigm shift is necessary to develop and strengthen the informal sector. This shift requires intensive, active training and advisory processes, adapted to the different profiles, needs and circumstances of the entrepreneurs that bring about a significant transformation of the entrepreneur and its business.


From this foundation arises the ACTEC’s idea of the Business School focused on entrepreneurs in the informal sector and that offers different services and programs to give an appropriate response to the variety of needs and challenges of the micro enterprise sector.

Learning by doing

MicroMBA is a program that seeks to strengthen the management skills of the poorest people with an entrepreneurial and initiative spirit, but who need stronger support in order to transform their companies into sustainable and productive micro enterprises.


Thanks to its comprehensive methodology and to its “learning-by-doing” pedagogy, this program contributes mainly to a qualitative leap forward in the entrepreneurial practice of entrepreneurs, and to reinforcing their autonomy and their capacity to adapt to changes in the informal economy.


In order to generate the greatest impact, microMBA focuses on three main axes:

Selection process of entrepreneurs.

Development of a business project.

Acquisition of analytical and decision-making skills through a business literacy and human development process.
